Monday, May 31, 2010

Easter (backtracking again...sorry)

Easter Sunday
I found some fabulous fabric in cute spring colors and decided to make coordinating dresses for my girls and Natalie Kate's best friend Brianne Schwendiman. They looked so sweet.

All four of my kids in their Easter attire. Good lookin' bunch, huh?

George, trying to escape . ( I caught him midair. Goofy kid!)

The Annual Easter Egg Hunt with Adam Mortensen

Last year we had an Easter egg hunt and George's buddy Adam came to join us. We decided to make it an annual occurence. The kids had a good time and got their fill of candy without us having to break the bank and buy Easter baskets.
Henry, grabbing eggs out of the tree
Natalie Kate, looking in the playhouse
George, grabbing an egg off the window
(I love Wonka Zero Gravity Eggs)
Adam, continuing his search
Claire, surveying the yard to find more.
(Turn around! There's a green one hanging on the sign!)
George with his big haul
Adam, wondering where all the eggs went

George, pulling Tootsie Pops out of the flower bed

Natalie doing the same

1 comment:

Annette said...

What fun! the dresses are beautiful! (By the way, Lisa loved the dresses you made for Dory...she wore one to church.) See you soon!